
sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Teacher's Day in Venezuela

On January 15 we celebrate Teacher's Day in Venezuela

Venezuela celebrates the January 15 National Teacher's Day, decreed by the General Isaias Medina Angarita in recognition of the struggles initiated by Venezuelan Masters on January 15, 1932, when in full gomecista dictatorship, a group of educators formed a partnership to defend labor rights of teachers and improve education in Venezuela.

 The SVMIP began working for the improvement of education in Venezuela that had a high illiteracy, founding the "Educational Magazine" divulging organ guild and in 1934 held a seminar to discuss the shortcomings of the education system in the country. Gomez's government did not like the actions of teachers, which is why the Ministry of Education ordered teachers to separate from the SVMIP.

Teachers continued fighting in hiding for the development of Venezuelan education, until the death of dictator Juan Vicente Gomez in 1936, when a national assembly of teachers in the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers was founded was called. During the government of General Isaías Medina Angarita, the FVM directed his efforts toward modernization of education and improvements in the conditions of educators and recognized the importance of its work decreeing the celebration of Teachers' Day on January 15 of each year . Between 1949 and 1958, during the dictatorship of General Marcos Perez Jimenez, it decreases the action of the teachers' movement and in 1952 the date of the Teacher's Day is changed to November 29, the date of the birth of Andres Bello, as a tribute who guide the education of the Liberator Simon Bolivar. From 1959, after the fall of the Perez Jimenez dictatorship, he was retaken the date that was initially fixed by Medina Angarita in 1952 and which currently pays homage to the Venezuelan teachers.

Teacher's Day Ecuadorian

Teacher's Day Ecuadorian is celebrated every year on April 13, it is a special date that pays tribute to all persons performing this task of being educators, teaching many people from an early age with a lot of effort for that that education, good people leave.

This commemorative date is set in 1920, under the government of Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno, and was instituted in honor Juen Fiallos Montalvo, who was a teacher and Ecuadorian novelist, born on April 13, 1832, in the city of Ambato.

On this date the memory of civic celebrations dedicated to the teachers of the different levels of education, remembrances also joined by the birthdays of Juan Montalvo (1832), Mary Gamarra de Hidalgo (1846) and Quintilian Sanchez (1848).

The Feast of the Ecuadorian Master established the May 29, 1920 the President of the Republic, Dr. Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno, another benchmark for the community values ​​in its real dimension honest and selfless work of educators.

Juan Montalvo, a formidable debater, pamphleteer, journalist and writer from Ambato, visionary and always showed a fighting spirit, because from very young was identified with the cause of political freedom of his people. He died in Paris, France, in 1889.

Luis Felipe Borja Perez, lawyer, state councilor, deputy, senator and rector of the Central University, was born in Quito on February 20, 1845 and died on this day in 1912. Studies wrote the Chilean Civil Code. He was active in institutions.

Maria Gamarra de Hidalgo dedicated his life to the noble causes of social justice and democracy. He helped entrench the principles of liberalism.

He was born on April 13, 1846 in Baba, Los Rios current jurisdiction. He died in May 1916.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

Teacher's Day is a holiday in which we commemorate the people who make teaching their usual work as teachers.

The date of this celebration varies between different countries, while UNESCO suggests doing on October 5, a practice that has been followed by many nations.

In 1943, the First Conference of Ministers and Directors of Education of the American Republics, held in Panama, also proposed a unified date for the entire continent; being chosen on September 11, anniversary of the death of the statesman and Argentine educator Domingo Faustino Sarmiento. This date has continued commemorated in Argentina, but has been abandoned in the rest of the continent.